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Fitness and self-massage for your face

how to do face self-massage and yoga

Fitness and self-massage for your face.
Want to improve your skin and muscle tone? Maybe you've heard of facial fitness or facial yoga? No? Then this article is for you. Facial fitness is a fantastic set of facial exercises combined with various self-massage techniques that, when practiced regularly, can not only improve the oval of your face, prevent double chin and reduce puffiness in the eye area, but also lift the upper eyelids, reduce wrinkles on the forehead, around the eyes and lips, improve the skin on your neck and improve your complexion. And you can do it all at home.
The essence of this method is to fight the causes, not the effects. By identifying the causes of facial oval blurring, sagging cheeks, deepening nasolabial grooves and droopy eyelids, you can choose the right facial exercises and massage techniques to help improve your overall appearance. The results achieved depend on individual inner resources, commitment and regularity. In addition to aesthetic improvements, this technique can help prevent migraines, improve eyesight, restore hair growth and improve the function of the biting muscles, thus benefiting oral health.

Why is facial fitness effective?
The face is a part of the body with 43 muscles. And just like the muscles of the body, the muscles of the face need training to be in their best shape. You see, the wrinkles and lines that are visible on top of the skin are caused by muscle deformation, tension and relaxation, so regular exercise and a proper massage
can provide a natural lifting effect and improve the appearance of the facial skin. Facial fitness works on much deeper facial tissues and structures and involves working on the facial muscles, muscle fascia, subcutaneous fat layer, blood circulation and lymphatic system. By working at these levels, the results are naturally reflected in the complexion. All you need is patience and practice

Why does it work?
Facial fitness helps to normalise facial muscle tone, improve circulation and lymphatic flow, and provide cells with the nutrients they need. And this ensures that the skin receives enough oxygen and nutrients. Massaging the face, in turn, stimulates the skin's metabolism and increases the effectiveness of cosmetic products. By performing this set of exercises regularly, it is possible to achieve a beautiful complexion in the long term and get rid of greyness. In addition, facial fitness helps to delay the ageing process, prevent the formation of wrinkles and maintain a firm and firm facial oval.
There are various exercises and facial massage techniques that can be chosen depending on the problem area, but the basic principle is the same: deliberate and precise stretching of the facial muscles and massage with the fingers or special massage tools such as the Jade Roller or the Gua Sha (crystal facial massage plate).
I'll leave it up to you to decide which method of exercise and massage to choose, but there are many sources on the internet that explain in great detail exactly how to do the exercises and massages. The main thing is to get started! Some examples for inspiration:

A few tips before you get to work!
Firstly, you can do the facial exercises at your leisure, but it is recommended to do the self-massage on cleansed skin.
For this, I recommend using a skin cleanser that gently removes dirt and cleanses pores, such as our facial cleansing foam.
Secondly, before the facial massage, for better results and a more pleasant massage, it is recommended to apply a skin-care oil, moisturiser or nourishing face cream.
Finally, experts recommend that you exercise and self-massage 4 to 5 times a week, ideally both in the morning and in the evening!

I massage myself every day and it takes me 10 minutes - 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes in the evening. Habit has power!

I hope this article helped you and inspired you to change.
See you soon!