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Can we save 500 000 foxes and mink a year?

Save 500 000 foxes and minkes

Can we save 500 000 foxes and mink a year?
My childhood was closely linked to life in the countryside and, at the end of the Soviet era, I had to work on large cattle farms in the summers. At that time, I secretly dreamt that one day I would come and save the sad cows, the timid calves and the cosy roaches. As we grow up, childhood dreams are often forgotten. When I had already had different experiences in my life and had started to think much more about what I was doing and how it was changing the world, childhood feelings helped me to make important decisions. I chose to leave what society perceived as a comfortable job to start my own business. My main motivation was to do something more meaningful, to set an example for children and to develop the business to a level where I could support activities that would help animals to improve their living conditions in different ways. To fulfil that little girl's dreams, but with a more pragmatic approach.

This world is very multi-layered and complex, with different traditions and understandings. The use of animals and animal products in food and household life has been ingrained in people's consciousness, daily routines and habits for centuries. I believe that through education, explanation and example, more and more people will, over time, choose lifestyles that cause less suffering to animals and reduce the consumption of animal products in their daily lives. This is a slow, difficult, controversial and long road. However, there are sectors where I think we need to act much more quickly and immediately: a business that is built solely on animal suffering to satisfy people's luxury whims is not fit for the modern world. I am talking about the breeding of fur animals in cages to make fur coats and other similar garments.
In Latvia, more than 500 000 foxes, minks and chinchillas are kept in cages every year, forcibly bred and killed after about a year in order to sell their fur at auction. It takes about 50 foxes to make a decent fur coat. 50 foxes, which are wild animals, spend a year in cramped, unnatural conditions, fucking their brains out so that one 'lady' can show off. And this is not about feeding or not feeding people - it is more about fashion, ignorance, whimsy and selfishness. For wild animals, this is mission impossible - you are trapped and all natural processes are completely crippled, no foxes can hunt and raise families, no mink can dive into the waters and live in their burrows.

This is an issue that needs to be addressed at national and legislative level. Already 16 countries in the European Union have banned this unethical business, either by giving the industry a transitional period or by paying compensation. 

This is why the Latvian organisation Animal Freedom placed a cage in front of the Saeima building, where a human was kept 24/7 for a month - symbolizing the suffering and senseless torture of wild animals and supporting the initiative #fur in the past. The law needs several votes to come into force and I sincerely hope that this action will help both MEPs and the people around them to understand how important it is to get this right and not torture wild animals in the future. Every country that joins the ban is like a domino that can move and inspire other countries. I also spent 2 days in a cage and enjoyed those days to the core - it was my autumn retreat.
Sitting behind the bars in the cold and wind, I was more acutely aware of the harsh situation and was overwhelmed by two feelings - sadness and helplessness for the animals being tortured, but on the other hand faith, hope and inner strength that by my actions I can reduce the suffering of animals and Latvia will no longer be among those countries where such an outdated, violent business is allowed.
These 2 days allowed me to stop a little from the fast daily race, to realise where we are going and that it is up to each one of us to act or watch. And this time I chose to take action instead of just talking about it.

-> Signatures petition for a ban on animal breeding in Latvia - now 41552 signatures;
-> Influence the vote of your MPs - Write a letter to your MP and demand change.

Such initiatives require a lot of time and energy, as well as funding to prepare information, activities and documents. It is gratifying to know that there are organisations in our society where ethics and empathy are important values and work can be based on people's faith, enthusiasm and donations.

I believe in and support the campaign too - during the campaign we donated 10% of every Vegan Fox e-shop purchase to Animal Freedom to help fight for the necessary changes in legislation. The sooner they are passed, the more power and energy we will have to focus on other activities to help reduce animal suffering and improve animal welfare.